So last week I popped into Vancouver's own knit shop, "Unraveled," and managed to escape after dropping only $20 - enough for two scarves. Thought I'd make a festive one for a friend's birthday which is Dec. 4th. I had maybe a foot done when it occurred to me that I'd better get cracking if I wanted to have a six-foot scarf by the weekend. So I took my knitting with me to the movie theater.
I used to be able to knit with my eyes shut, so theater lighting wasn't really a problem. But after another foot of length and an hour of Good Night & Good Luck I decided I better inspect my work in case I'd dropped a stitch during a tense confrontation with the despicable Joe McCarthy. And I had. About 8" back, right on the outside.
Mess in hand, I went back to Unraveled this morning and asked the proprietress if I could do a sort of crochet-on-an-extra-stitch-up-the-side maneuver so I wouldn't have to take out 8 precious inches. She clucked sympathetically and told me that by the time I'd executed my clever fix (which would never look right) I could have ripped back and redone the 8 inches properly.
"Mistakes are part of the knitting process," she said. "Why do you think I called my store 'Unraveled'?"
Gahhh. I HATE redoing all that work.