Thursday, November 24, 2005

Evangelizing on Thanksgiving

Over on DailyKos there was an active discussion on Unitarian Universalism that resulted from a diarist mentioning a rightwing blogger who made fun of ND Senator Kent Conrad for his UU faith. This prompted a lot of questions and sharings about being a UU. Not surprisingly quite a few came out of the woodwork to participate, in fact I counted 35 who said they were UU and felt very positive about it. This prompted several people to exclaim that UUism sounded like just what they were looking for and they wanted to check out a congregation. Later I posted a diary myself, asking for UUs to identify themselves (with poll). 179 folks took the poll - 90 of whom were active or lapsed UUs, and 35 of whom were planning to check out a congregation soon.

I posted a note on the UUA PR listserve about this, suggesting the UUA would do better spending their ad dollars on DailyKos where hundreds of thousands of like-minded souls visit daily, rather than hoping to catch someone's eye on a Times Square marquee moment. Well, that got someone's attention, because this morning I had an email from the UUA pres' right-hand man wanting more info. This made me very happy.


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