Sunday, August 14, 2005

Vancouver - between Fresno & Topeka

Based on a study released a couple of days ago, my town is in the top third of America's cities for conservatism. This is based in percent of the vote that went to GW Bush (I hate even typing his name... from now on I'm going to call him That Person). We are 72 of 236. Provo Utah is #1, followed by Lubbock and Plano Texas.

At the other end Detroit was most liberal followed by Gary IL. Berkeley was next , Washington DC next, and Oakland next. Detroit and Gary and DC surprised me.

Local Republicans are gloating, claiming that the county is becoming increasingly red. Evidently the older parts of town (on the west side, where I live) folks are blue, but on the eastside, which is all about new suburban sprawl, the reds are clustering. I say they can have it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interestingly, I found one possible explanation for the Gary/Detroit/DC thing in the Berkeley Daily Planet (of all places). The author's theory is that the bulk of this country's remaining liberals -- outside lefty elite bastions like Cambridge and Berkeley -- are african americans. So cities whose populations are largely black (Detroit, etc. ) read very blue.

Full article is here:

2:26 PM  

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