Sunday, July 24, 2005

True Confession: I'm a Rove-gate addict

Those of us who have distrusted and detested this administration for five l-o-o-o-n-g years are following the scandal surrounding the outing of Valerie Plame like a serial thriller.

We smell blood. We discover fingerprints. A mysterious DNA sample turns up. Then a clue that might be the lynchpin slips thru our hands. But wait! Somebody reports seeing the suspect enter the victim's house that dark night. A muffled phone call hints at other players...

The New York Times, then the Washington Post and Newsweek uncover a little more every day. The amazing armchair sleuths at DailyKos, Think Progress, Talking Points Memo and other liberal blogs dig up more and more obscure dirt and speculate on how it all fits together....

Frank Rich today blew me away with the revelation (for me anyway) that Gonzales took TWELVE hours to notify the White House that an investigation was coming down - plenty of time for some serious shredding to occur, dontcha know. And all the Sunday TV talk shows hit the topic too.

I am spending altogether too much time on this disgraceful scandal and wish prosecutor Fitzgerald would just indict the heck out of these scumbags and let us get on with saving our democracy, bringing health care to all citizens, peace to the Middle East, and a halt to global warming. We've got important work to do!


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