Maria Cantwell - Rising in my esteem

Last week she voted against the noxious GOP tax package that tried to slide an estate tax repeal by the Senate by coating the pill with a raise in the minimum wage. But even that cookie was poisoned for Democrats because it voided state laws which protect workers who get tips from having their wages reduced because of tip potential. Washington is one of the states that protects such service workers.
She was down here last week talking to local labor groups about this... I was there.
She also came right out and backed Ned Lamont after he won the CT primary over the smarmy Joe Lieberman. Her opponent, former Safeco CEO gazillionaire, Mike McGavick sucked up to Joe, as so many Republicans are doing right now. Evidently the lonely Republican in that race is being left to flap in the breeze. Joe should just move right over and BE a Republican. But no, "for the sake of my party [sic]" he is running as an independent. Gecccchhh, what a creep.
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