Here's the Republican booth...

I noticed that she was wearing a big sticker – not for a senator or state rep but for a JUDGE and that the brochures on the front table leaned heavily towards the State judicial races – conservative Supreme Court candidates John Groen (darling of the building industry) and Stephen Johnson. And Brent Boger (former chair of the CC Republicans) for the state Court of Appeals.
Judicial elections are SUPPOSED to be non-partisan!!
When she saw me looking at the brochures, she whispered conspiratorially that these guys believed in upholding the constitution, not like those “activist judges” who want to let gays marry. Since their new stealth tactic is to take over the courts with their right-wing ideologues we’d better start promoting the incumbents who are simply fair-minded.
Oh, and that big manifesto on the right is What Republicans Believe. Stuff like the dignity of every person regardless of age, race, religion or gender... (no mention of sexual orientation or economic status...) Bunch of hypocritical twaddle. I'll read it more closely when I go back Thursday.

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