Monday, January 30, 2006

What's with Maria Cantwell???

I busted my virtual buns this weekend faxing all the Democratic Senators, asking them to filibuster Alito. Although we lost that one, it was a miracle that as many DID vote for it. 25 is a lot better than NONE, which Roberts got.

BUT, what's with Maria Cantwell?? She was totally unresponsive, and despite the flood of mail and faxes, and despite the vote of the state Democratic central committee, and Clark County's as well, she voted with the Republicans.

25 Dems with backbone is better than none, but what's with Cantwell??? She seems to think that she'll be more appealing to eastern WA conservatives if she stood apart from the more liberal Dems. Weasel. If it weren't for the fact that she has no viable primary challenger and the Repb. McGavick is scary, I'd dump her.


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