Sunday, January 15, 2006

Bad mood - is it the rain or is it Washington, DC?

I'm in the heart of rain country, and it's been raining for weeks, or so it seems. I'm feeling as bleak as the skies. Do I need a light box or do I just need a change of the guard in our nation's capitol?

Probably both. But the NYTimes today seems to indicate that the Dems have rolled over and let the Repuglican pro-Alito campaign flatten them. They just let him equivocate and mis-remember and weasel -- despite all indications that he favors an imperial presidency and disdains women's rights, among other noxious personal views that I believe will color his rulings. And do we want yet another strong Catholic on the bench?

What happened to the notion we need a woman? We haven't even heard from Laura Bush since Harriet Myers went up in smoke. 7 white Christian men, 1 white Jewish woman and 1 black Christian conservative idiot - no Asian, no Latina/o, certainly no Muslim!!

It's enough to make me want to take another nap.


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