Monday, June 20, 2005

Energized and HOT at DemFest 205

Every discouraged progressive should go to a Democracy for America conference - local or national. I just got back from three days in Austin at DemFest 2205, sponsored by Democracy for Texas and My Voice is my Vote.

Had a blast, got totallly jazzed. Three days of excellent workshops, cool people from all over - esp. Texas, (interesting to hear their perspective on politics - some GWB stories from his governership days). Really fun Texas-style entertainment at night. Lotsa BBQ, too much TexMex food. BudLite - yechh. They don't know decent beer. Too damn HOT out.

Among the high points:
Molly Ivins... what a storyteller! (some excellent lessons for toastmaster wannabes)

Howard Dean - galvanizing! He has an amazing presence and the crowd (2200 of us Sat. night) went WILD for him.

Jesse Jackson Jr. - who I did not stay to hear but understand that he is extremely impressive. Diff from his dad. Has plans to introduce a Right to Vote Amendment. How can you oppose that without looking bad??? (Our answer to Right to Life).

Jeffrey Feldman of Frameshopisopen. Great speaker, great points. We should get him out here.

Charles Grapski - on the history of progressivism. Fascinating and important information.

Bill Moyer - of the Seattle group Mainstreet Moms Operation Blue - started with voter registration effort aimed at single mothers - simple actions busy moms can do. Now expanding to - my blogging inspiration and Jerome Armstrong ( - Kos's blogging inspiration. Jerome, when he learned where I lived told me his mother, an avid Democrat, lives in my town and is on the Democratic Central Committee with me.

Many people were interested in our new progressive Toastmasters club - and want us to set up a website so others can do it. A movement starts with a single step.

Most important, it is clear that a vital and inspired progressive movement is springing up all across the country at the grass-roots level. The Democratic party is starting to take notice and so is the mainstream media. Yay us.

More details in later post. Need to unpack.


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