Sunday, June 12, 2005

BlueGirl talks to young blacks in No. Dallas

Rose's interviews are so telling. From today's post - a conversation with a young black man about to graduate from SMU. Lessons for the Democrats: are you listening??

How can politicians get more college students to vote?

When I think of politicians, I think of old boring men. Charisma is something they can work on. If they want to get their loyal voters back, the minorities, they should help minorities. That's a huge segment of the population. It seemed like they used to focus more on people. The Democrats need to get back to their roots and talk about things that actually matter.

What does being Democrat mean to you?

It sounds goofy and corny, but to me it means caring about people. It means charity, helping those who are less fortunate and changing America for the better.

What does Republican mean to you?

I think of Republicans like a business. I think of Democrats like a non-profit. The Democrats used to care about people. The whole reason for getting elected was to help people. Unfortunately, that's no longer the case. I think Republicans are inflexible and unwilling to listen to logic. I don't understand things like giving tax cuts to the rich so it will create jobs for the poor.


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