Saturday, June 11, 2005

What my local Democratic Party needs

Although I was tempted to visit the local Republicans' meeting this morning to see who and how they nominated their candidate for County Commissioner, I didn't. (They said it was opent to the public and I wanted to see how crisply they run their meetings, what kinds of folks were there, how many, how old, how enthusiastic, etc.)

Instead I attended the monthly meeting of my legislative district (Democratic). As I look around the room at these Dem meetings I see a lot of older folks who have been party faithfuls for eons and who keep doing whatever it is that they've always done. I'm grateful for all they've done, but they seem very tired.

I think the Dems need new blood - young blood especially. Also moneyed blood. I may be "older" but at least I'm fresh to the game. (Moneyed would be good too - where is my sugar daddy??)

To attract the new blood we have to drum up some EXCITEMENT about what we stand for. Vision and enthusiasm attract. Old and tired does not. I think we're tired of being on the defense, trying to beat the Republicans back before we're trampled.

As for me, I'm tired of complaining and doing nothing, which is what I've done far too long because I felt too defeated to begin. Helping folks express themselves more positively and articulately through our new Toastmaster's Club is a start.


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