Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Progressive Toastmaster signups

About twenty-five folks showed up for our first progressive TM demo meeting. Thirteen signed up on the spot, a bunch of others had to "go home and think about it". To charter a new club you need at least 17 people who are not currently in another club. Since three of those enrolling are in another club we need seven more folks. Several people got the wrong time and showed up after we were done. Sigh.

There is a lot of energy to do this but people are scared of commitment, particularly one that meets weekly. Next meeting we need to move into est guest seminar enrollment mode... "if you were to do this program, what would you hope to get out of it?"

The meeting next week is supposed to be all business, where we discuss the charter, choose officers, decide on a neme. But I think we need to do another, more mini, demo. Patrice and I will each speak on a progressive topic to gie people a sense of the possible.


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