Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Where's the outrage?

Every day progressive journalists and bloggers turn up some new unspeakable lie, misdeed, or impending assault on our democracy. They describe in gory detail what the Bushies have done or are planning to do and then ask two questions: "Where is the mainstream media on this?" and "Where is the public outrage???"

Even when the story makes it to the mainstream media, and you ARE outraged (or at least I am!), what do you do when you're already overwhelmed?

The biggest problem with becoming informed is becoming paralyzed when you realize how hopelessly out of control this country is. Everything I hold dear is under seige by People of Ideology - both religious and political.

Which way to turn? If you stick your finger in the dike leak over here, another one springs open over there , but if you leave the original leak to plug the new one.... well, you get the idea.

Today it was a story about Indiana's anti-choice Attorney General Steve Carter, whose efforts to seize the private and personal medical records of minors who received birth control and related health care services at Planned Parenthood health centers in Indiana were upheld in Marion County Superior Court.

Yesterday it was news of the "Ohio Restoration Project". The project will target 2,000 pastors throughout the state to become "patriot pastors." These patriot pastors will be briefed on a specific political agenda and asked to submit names of their parishioners in order to increase a database to 300,000 names. These pastors will be asked to place voter guides in their church pews. Ken Blackwell, Ohio's secretary of state and a governor hopeful, is named throughout the document. Blackwell will be featured on 30-second radio ads promoting this group's agenda and supporting the "Ohio for Jesus" rally set for the spring of 2006.

The day before that I finally got around to reading the terrifying three-part series on global warming in the New Yorker. And Bush thinks global warming is a liberal fiction.

My bile factor (BF) is too high. I'm going to go out and deadhead some roses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep fightin' the good fight. I try to.



11:40 PM  

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